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Ooh I really enjoyed reading this! It has such a dark, moody atmosphere; the opening gave me some American Psycho vibes. It has a strong start, and the pacing is pretty quick (you get introduced to all the main characters soon after) so it's pretty gripping.

I love the artwork in this VN; the characters all look distinct, and they're all very pretty. Corin probably has my favourite design (I love his big shoujo manga esque eyes with the long eyelashes... It's very Lady Oscar/Rose of Versailles core), but I like Skyler a lot too. The way you render eyes in particular is very pretty, they're so detailed - and the mouth moving animations are so fluid and smooth, too! It's clear a lot of love went into the art.

I'm also a big fan of filtered photo bgs in VNs; I think they ground a story and make it feel more like it's taking place in a real world location rather than some fantasy Anime land. For a darker story like this, the art direction really works (and I like the cut-in effects used too; it reminds me a little of Liar-Soft VNs).

The writing itself is well-paced, and the main character seems interesting, if only because he's so cold and aloof and kind of detached from everything. It'll be interesting to see him respond when the story ramps up and more terrible things happen (at least, I presume terrible things will happen). The cold way he treats his girlfriend is also pretty interesting (and makes me hope for some exploration of his sexuality + BL content... which seems like it will happen, given the Itchio page says it's possible to romance Corin and Skyler in the full version?). It seems like there's a lot to explore with him, at least.

This is a very polished project so far, I'll be interested to see how it develops! Though I will say I think the game is more polished than the Itchio page suggests; the font used on the Itch page is a bit hard to read (it's hard for me to type this comment now since capital letters aren't clearly delineated from lowercase lol), and no fonts like this are even used in the game itself. Maybe using a serif font like Vollkorn would make this page more accessible and look a little nicer?

In any case, this project is very interesting, so thank you for sharing it! I'll be sure to check it out when more of it has been released!

Wow thank you so much for the incredible review. And for your kind words. I'm happy that you enjoyed it.

I feel embarrassed about the page, and the font, sorry about the issue. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I'll work on the page.

And yes, I will only confirm that Skyler and Corin do have their own dedicated romance routes which will take the narrative in a whole new direction.

I hope the full game will be something memorable. I'll do my best.

And, all the best!


Very promising but hard game to find, i recomend you guys to spread more about this game, a tumblr page maybe? but for now I will be waiting for more updates.

(10 edits) (+1)

Thanks for the suggestion and kind words. I can look into it. Major update soon, but not too soon.

edit: For those reading in the future, major update mentioned is released (0.10).